You might have wondered why I seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth and why it has been a while since you heard from me.
1. The Not Guilty website as well as all my emails were hacked six months ago and this is the reason I have been so silent.
2. My mother passed away on October 2 and I was on a whirlwind between Egypt and the USA. Traveled four times to Egypt in four months. Now comforted but grieving specially during this season
We had to redesign our website from scratch, and our emails will be up and running on the 13th of December. Check out our new website.
I have thoroughly missed all of you
As a supporter of Not Guilty you’ve played a vital role in helping us advance our mission. Thank you!
In 2021 we focused on a special initiative to provide therapy to children who are experiencing trauma from their parents divorce.
No one in Egypt is working with children of divorce. There are no known programs or recovery groups. In some areas in Egypt, divorce can reach up to 46% of children. Not Guilty is changing this!!
Not Guilty in partnership with DC4K is providing support groups for these children. A Ma7boobin (translates Beloved) support group is a safe, fun place where children can learn skills that will help them heal. Ma7boobin groups blend games, music, stories, videos and discussion to help kids process the divorce and move forward. Groups meet weekly and are designed for children ages 5-12. The session topics help to strengthen children, turning their sadness to hope and their anger to joy. All sessions are led by trained therapists.
Will you sponsor a child (or multiple children) to participate in a Ma7boobin support group?
We have mothers eagerly waiting for sponsorships for their children.
Here’s what your gift can do:
$60 will pay for supplies for a group of eight.
$130 will pay for one child to attend a group for 13 weeks
$1040 will pay for 8 children to attend a group for 13 weeks
Thank you for caring about the mental health and well-being of Egyptian children.
Mary (not her real name) is six years old. She joined DC4K group in Egypt. Last time she blurted out, "I never knew my father. I never met him. He left us before I was born."
